How do I get CHIPS Act Funding?
The CHIPS Act makes $53 billion available for semiconductor manufacturing and R&D, plus a 25% refundable tax credit for qualified CapEx.
See below to discover where your business fits in

Current R&D Funding Opportunities
Total of $1.6 billion available. Individual grants to range from $10MM-$150MM.
Cost share encouraged, but not required
Deadline: A 10 page concept paper is due Dec. 20, 2024. (See pp. 117-120 for format). To submit, you must be registered in SAM.gov
Based on the concept paper, selected proposers will be invited to submit a full application due 60 days later.
Webinars will be posted with more information.
A proposers day will be held on October 22 (tomorrow). To attend register here. Webinars will also be posted publicly. Participation is NOT required to apply
Topic Areas:
Equipment, Tools, Processes, and Process Integration (see pp. 19-35)
Power Delivery and Thermal Management (see p. 36-47)
Connector Technology, Including Photonics and Radio Frequency (RF)(see pp. 48-57)
Chiplets Ecosystem (see pp. 57-75)
Co-design/Electronic Design Automation (EDA) (see pp. 76-94)
Make an appointment with our expert grant writing team here!
Other Funding Opportunities

I'm a Fab or Packaging Facility
Register with SAM
File a statement of interest via the application portal
File a pre-application based on these requirements. Also see the application materials tab for templates etc.
Government will advise based on the pre-application whether to pursue a full application
Need help? Contact our expert grant writing team here.

I'm an Upstream Supplier
Currently open to wafer manufacturers, and to suppliers of materials or equipment for which the capital investment exceeds $300MM+.
Register with SAM
File a statement of interest via the application portal
File a pre-application based on these requirements on or after Sept. 1. See the "application materials" tab on this website for templates etc.
For smaller projects (<$300MM) file a 15-page concept plan between Dec. 1 and Feb. 1 consistent with these guidelines
Need help? Contact our expert grant writing team here​

I'm Fabless
Application details for R&D facilities are starting to be released. In the meantime:
Register with SAM
File a statement of interest via the application portal
Work with local government to line up the required project incentive (e.g., tax break, land concession etc.)
Need help? Contact our expert grant writing team here​.

I'm in Wireless Technology
The CHIPS Act makes $1.5 billion available for wireless supply chain innovation
Now accepting applications for up to $420MM for Open Radio Commercialization and Innovation
Application details are available here:
Deadline: July 10, 2024
Contact us for more information: equity@chipsact.com

I Just Want the Tax Credit
The final rule for the 25% refundable manufacturing is available here.
Property must be used "used directly in the manufacturing operation" to qualify for the credit.
Contact us for more information: equity@chipsact.com

I Make PCBs or Packaging
In addition to CHIPS Act funding, the President has made funds available under Title III of the Defense Production Act.
Read the press release here and contact us for more information: equity@chipsact.com

I'm an Educational Institution
Businesses submitting grant proposals must partner with educational entities to provide workforce training, so seek corporate partners.
The National Science Foundation gets $200MM to promote growth in the semiconductor workforce
$2 billion is available for a DOD led national network for university-based prototyping, lab-to-fab transition of semiconductor technologies and semiconductor workforce training
Contact us for more information: equity@chipsact.com

I'm a Startup
Some of the $11 billion in R&D funding will go toward an investment fund. Details on the size and eligibility are yet to be released.
Startups should also look to partner with fabs because as part of their application they must show efforts to invest in R&D
Contact us for more information: equity@chipsact.com

I want to Join a Tech Hub
Both DOD and the Commerce Department have designated certain areas as Tech Hubs
Once designated, these Hubs have the opportunity to compete for funding by submitting project proposals featuring participating businesses, academic institutions etc.
Each Hub has a different focus area (e.g., AI, GaN, quantum etc.). Businesses should contact the Hub most appropriate for them, geographic area usually doesn't matter.
A list of Commerce Dept. Hubs is here. DOD's Microelectronics Commons HUB list is here.
The DOD hub funding opportunities are available here.
The Commerce Hub funding notice is open and available here.
Key Documents
White paper for the $3 billion National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program. The first funding round, focused on substrate materials, will open Q1'24
Text of The CHIPS Act of 2022 as passed by Congress on 7/28/22 and sent to the President for signature
Text of the FY21 National Defense Authorization Act, authorizing appropriations for the CHIPS Act program P.L. 116-283 (See sections 9902 and 9906) ​​
The Commerce Department's National Security Guardrails for CHIPS funding recipients (i.e., rules restricting grantees from doing business with certain foreign countries)
The Commerce Department's Vision for the National Semiconductor Technology Center and summary fact sheet
Email: equity@chipsact.com